Who are Simona Peak Pipe Systems?

Simona Peak Pipe Systems is a leading supplier of piping systems to a variety of industries. With a rapidly growing workforce and an increasing number of contractors and guests visiting their facilities, they faced the challenge of ensuring that everyone on-site was properly inducted and trained in health and safety procedures.

How did Easy Induction Assist?

To address this challenge, Simona Peak Pipe Systems turned to Tensh's Easy Induction platform. The platform offers a cloud-based solution for creating, delivering and managing employee, contractor and guest inductions.

With Easy Induction, Simona Peak Pipe Systems was able to create customized induction programs that could be accessed by employees, contractors and guests on any device, anywhere and at any time. The platform allowed Simona Peak Pipe Systems to easily create engaging induction content using videos, interactive quizzes and other multimedia elements. This not only made the induction process more engaging and interactive but also ensured that the content was easily accessible to all users.

Additionally, Easy Induction allowed Simona Peak Pipe Systems to easily manage and track employee and contractor inductions, as well as guest sign-ins. The platform's automated reporting features provided real-time analytics on completion rates, allowing the company to identify areas where additional training might be necessary.

In addition to improving their onboarding process, Easy Induction also helped Simona Peak Pipe Systems to stay legally compliant with health and safety regulations.

The platform allowed Simona Peak Pipe Systems to easily create and distribute induction content that was specifically tailored to their industry and local health and safety regulations. This ensured that all employees, contractors and guests were informed about the specific safety protocols that were required to comply with local laws.

Furthermore, Easy Induction provided a record-keeping system that allowed Simona Peak Pipe Systems to track and maintain compliance records for all employees, contractors and guests. The platform's reporting features provided real-time analytics on completion rates, allowing the company to identify areas where additional training might be necessary.

The platform's automated reporting and record-keeping features ensured that the company had a complete audit trail of compliance, which could be used in case of an audit or legal action.


Overall, Easy Induction not only helped Simona Peak Pipe Systems to improve their onboarding process but also provided a comprehensive solution for staying legally compliant with health and safety regulations. The platform's flexibility, ease of use and reporting features allowed the company to efficiently manage their compliance obligations, while also ensuring the safety of their workforce and visitor

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