Free Documents

We're excited to share with you an array of amazing free document templates that you can use without spending a penny. At TENSH, we believe in providing valuable resources and products to our customers, helping them make the most out of their experience with us.

On this page, you'll find a wide range of free products designed to cater to various interests and needs.

Free Disciplinary Record Template
These records serve as a documented trail of employee misconduct or performance issues, enabling employers to establish accountability, make informed decisions, and ensure legal compliance.
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Free Privacy Policy Template
Free privacy policy template from TENSH, to help you take proactive steps towards securing your data privacy. Stay informed and in control of your personal information by exploring the insights shared in this article.
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Free Terms & Conditions Template
An absolutely free Terms and Conditions template from TENSH to kickstart your legal framework. Don't miss this opportunity to safeguard your business and build trust with your customers.
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Free Directors Agreement Template
This article explores the significance of directors agreements in corporate governance. It emphasises the importance of these agreements in establishing clear roles and responsibilities for directors.
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Free Partnership Agreement Template
A partnership agreement serves as a road-map for the partnership, clarifying important aspects such as the division of roles and responsibilities, profit sharing arrangements, and decision-making processes.
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Free Service Agreement Template
Discover the importance of service agreements in various business scenarios. From defining roles and payment terms to protecting intellectual property rights and ensuring confidentiality.
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